Individual Policies
Fundamental Policy on Sustainable Development
We, Taisei Group, set this Fundamental Policy on Sustainable Development to realize Sustainability Transformation (SX), which aims to resolve sustainable development issues through our businesses centered on the construction industry, and to contribute to the development of a resilient society where people can live affluent and cultural lives based on our Group Philosophy and Taisei Spirit.
Multi-Stakeholder Policy
We, Taisei Corporation, will strive to appropriately work with multi-stakeholders in order for collaborative value creation with our shareholders, employees, business partners, customers, local communities and other various stakeholders in our business management.
Quality Policy
Our key mission is to provide our clients and society with high-quality construction products and related services in an efficient and stable manner. To achieve this mission, we will pursue our business activities according to the Norms of Conduct.
Safety and Health Policy
In our company, TAISEI Corporation, including all group companies -having"Safety First" as our guiding principle and with our comprehensively and systematically implemented Occupational Health and Safety Management System(TAISEI OHSMS) as the basis for our administration of safety and health- we work to maintain and improve on an environment for safety and health on which our employees and workers can rely. We aim to be a company that society can perceive with empathy and trust.
Environmental Policy
Under the group philosophy of "Creating a Vibrant Environment for All Members of Society", we, through its construction activities, strive for "realizing a sustainable environmentally conscious society."
Policy on the Protection of Personal Information
We recognize that appropriately managing and protecting personal information is one of our social responsibilities.
We have set out our basic principles on the handling of personal information as our "Policy on the Protection of Personal Information," to ensure that such personal information is thoroughly protected.
Policy on Business Continuity in Times of Disaster
In case of a large-scale disaster or accident, in order to fulfill our responsibilities as a general contractor that supports the basis of socioeconomic activities, we recognize that it is important to sustain our critical business functions to maintain and to restore the value of various buildings and structures, and also to contribute for continuous operation and business of the national and local governments and other companies.
Information Disclosure Policy
We recognize that the broad disclosure of important information about our corporate activities in a timely and appropriate manner contributes to our sustainable development as a business entity by both encouraging public understanding of our company and obtaining the public's proper evaluation of our activities.
To this end, we will conduct our corporate activities in accordance with the Norms of Conduct for information disclosure.
Risk Management Policy
We will establish a company-wide systematic risk management system, and practice continuous risk management in accordance with the Norms of Conduct.
Policy on Intellectual Property
In order to further improve the intellectual property capabilities of all of our group businesses, we will steadily put our intellectual property strategy into practice, in accordance with the Norms of Conduct for the creation, protection, and utilization of intellectual property, as well as risk mitigation related to intellectual property.
Procurement Policy
In order to create safe and attractive spaces, as well as work and living environments of exceptional value, we promote our Sustainable procurement activities together with our subcontractors and suppliers.
Human Rights Policy
To fulfill the Taisei Group Philosophy, we commit to building a corporate culture that respects human rights. To achieve this, we have created a Human Rights Policy based on the Taisei Group Action Guidelines. We base our Human Rights Policy on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and ISO26000.
Fundamental Policy against Harassment by Clients
We, TAISEI CORPORATION, intend to take a firm attitude against any behavior by the business partners including our clients, which denies human integrity of our executives and employees, to maintain healthy working environment, and further face them with good faith to maintain fair relationship.
Human Resources Development Policy (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy)
Based on our Group Philosophy and Taisei Spirit, we, Taisei Group shall employ people with diverse abilities (diversity) and develop an environment where such abilities can be exercised to the maximum extent (equity and inclusion) to realize diversity management.
Fundamental Corporate Governance Policy
We have established this Fundamental Corporate Governance Policy in order to achieve sustainable development and improvement in the mid- to long-term value of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates in accordance with the philosophy of the Taisei Group, being "to create a vibrant environment for all members of society" and the so-called "Taisei Spirit."
Fundamental Policy to Enhance Operational Compliance Systems
Based on the Companies Act, we have established a Basic Policy on Internal Control Systems as the "Fundamental Policy to Enhance Operational Compliance Systems."
IR Policy
In order to contribute to the sustainable growth of the company and to improve medium- to long-term corporate value, we have established a Basic Policy on the establishment of a system, etc. related to constructive Communications and meetings with shareholders and investors.
Tax Policy
We, Taisei Corporation, are aiming at complying with the laws and regulations and to fulfill our social responsibilities with common decency on the basis of our Group Action Guidelines.
Under these Group Action Guidelines, we have established the Tax Policy as the guidelines for complying with the laws and regulations concerning tax affairs and fulfilling our social responsibilities.
Declaration of Partnership Building
We, Taisei Corporation, hereby declare that we will build new partnerships with our supply chain (sub-contractors and vendors) and value-creating business partners by promoting further collaboration and mutual prosperous co-existence.
We observe the standards outlined in the Charter of Corporate Behavior of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) as its member company.
- Charter of Corporate Behavior
We participated in the United Nations Global Compact in April 2018. We will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society, supporting the United Nations Global Compact's ten principles in the area of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
- United Nations Global Compact
Code of Conduct on the Use of Social Media
The Taisei Group defines, as the Code of Conduct on the Use of Social Media, the basic rules to be observed by Taisei Group companies' executives and emproyees when presenting information on social media.