Taisei Joins the TNFD Forum

July 6, 2022
Taisei Corporation


 We, Taisei Corporation (President and CEO: Yoshiro AIKAWA), have become the first general construction contractor to join the TNFD Forum, the forum of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

 TNFD is an international initiative to bring resilience to the global economy by redirecting the flow of funding to activities aimed at preserving and restoring nature, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order to achieve prosperity for both nature and human beings. The goal is to shift a global funding flow from results that have a negative impact on the natural environment to those that will have a positive impact on nature by way of encouraging companies and financial institutions to disclose information on their reliance on, and impact on, natural capital. The TNFD Forum is a network of companies and organizations with expertise in nature, finance etc. that support the Task Force as stakeholders.

 We have established the TAISEI Green Target 2050 as a long-term environmental objective aimed at achieving a sustainable and environmentally conscious society through the realization of four distinct societies: a decarbonized society, a recycling-oriented society, a nature co-existing society, and a safety secured society. Of these, in order to realize “a nature co-existing society” in which human beings coexist with nature, we will strive to minimize the impact on natural capital.

 Through our participation in the TNFD Forum, we will work to set up a framework for the appropriate assessment and disclosure of the risks and opportunities relating to natural capital and biodiversity, in order to actively contribute to the achievement of sustainability and resilience for society as a whole.
