本研究では,上記課題を解決するために,自走ロボットによる照度測定及び自動帳票作成システム「T-iDigital® Checker」を開発した。本システムは,照度測定作業から帳票化までを一連の作業で実施することが可能となり、従来の照度測定作業に比べて大幅な作業効率の向上を確認した。今後は,建設現場での適用を重ね,様々な用途へ対応出来るよう整備を進めていく。
*1 技術センター 先進技術開発部 次世代建設技術開発室
*2 設備本部 設備企画部
T-iDigital® Checker : an Illumination Mesurement and Automatic Report Generation System Employing an Autonomous Mobile Robot
Improvement of Construction Site Productivity Through ICT-based Illumination Measurement
Building performance inspection of facility installation work at construction sites is necessary to determine if the equipment has sufficient functionality before the completion and delivery of the building under construction. One such inspection, illumination measurement, needs to be conducted during the night when sunlight has no effect, and the challenge is how to speed up and , automate, work, as well as reducing the number of personnel required, in the face of time constraints and the large amount of work required.
In this study, we developed an illumination measurement and automatic report generation system called "T-iDigital® Checker" that employs an autonomous mobile robot to address the challenges described aboves. The system can perform a series of operations from illumination measurement to report generation, and significant improvements in work efficiency were confirmed when using the system compared to conventional illumination measurement. In the future, we will continue to employ T-iDigital® Checker at construction sites and further improve it so that it can be suitable for a variety of purposes.
Keywords: autonomous mobile robot, illuminance measurement, automatic report generation, increase in productivity
*1 Next-Generation Construction Technology Development Section,Advanced Technology Development Department,Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Mechanical & Electrical Construction Control Section