筆者らは,山岳トンネルの切羽をVR上で観察するシステムT-KIRIHA VRを開発した。従来の切羽観察は,安全上,切羽に近接できない事,記録写真が不明瞭で地質構造が十分に把握できない等の課題があった。開発したシステムは切羽に自由に近接できるため,従来法の課題を解決することができる。
*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 地盤研究室
Development of tunnel face observation method in VR space
Development of T-KIRIHA VR system
The authors have developed a virtual reality (VR) system, “T-KIRIHA VR,” for the purpose of geological face mapping in tunnels. Since the new system allows us to freely approach faces, it can solve the problems of the conventional visual observation method such as the inability to approach faces for safety reasons and the resultant inability to sufficiently grasp the geological structure because of unclear photo records.
The developed VR software directly and quickly loads the point cloud data obtained by a 3D laser scanner at a face. The VR software is equipped with a geological compass function to measure the direction of discontinuity structures, which are important for geological evaluation.
The verification test for the face observation using the system was conducted in a mountain tunnel. The VR method clarified trends in the discontinuity plane structures by observing and measuring the discontinuity structures in more detail than is possible with the conventional method. It can therefore be said that the developed system is useful as a replacement for the conventional method.
Keywords: mountain tunnel, face observation, VR, 3D laser scanner
*1 Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology