*1 技術センター 先進技術開発部 AI連携技術開発室
*2 安全本部 安全部
A Study on Prediction of Work-Related Accidents and Presentation of Case Studies at Construction Sites Using Machine Learning
Using machine learning methods, we have developed a method for predicting the types of work-related accidents that are likely to occur based on the attributes of individual workers, the work environment, and the nature of the work, and for presenting specific examples of accidents. The method uses logistic regression analysis to learn from past accident case data to identify the explanatory variables that determine the accident type (type of work-related accident), and to predict the work-related accidents that are likely to occur based on the work conditions of the workers. In addition, cases are identified as being "likely to occur" or "unexpected" from among many past accident cases by comparing the values of the explanatory variables of the person scheduled to work with the values of all past cases using the strength of the influence of each explanatory variable (standard partial regression coefficient). We aim to reduce the number of work-related accidents by presenting the above results to workers.
Keywords: work-related accidents, human factor, human error, unsafe actions, safety managemant, logistic regression
*1 AI Utilization Technology Development Section, Advanced Technology Development Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Safety Administration Department, Safety Administration Division