*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 地盤研究室
Estimation for Capillary Pressure Curve of Toyoura Sand Using Pore Scale Modeling
Development of a Digital Laboratory Which Conducts a Laboratory Test on a Virtual Space
When simulating two-phase fluid flow in a porous medium, such as soil or rock, it is necessary to obtain two-phase flow parameters such as the capillary pressure curve by laboratorial experiments. However, performing such experiments may be difficult depending on the target fluid and temperature and pressure conditions. In this study, in order to develop a technology for estimating two-phase flow parameters using numerical simulation or supplementing experiment results in such cases, pores in the Toyoura sand were extracted and modeled using X-ray CT for pore scale modeling by the Navier-Stokes equation, and the results are reported here. As a result of a single-phase flow analysis for water, the hydraulic conductivity obtained was found to be equal to the experimental values obtained in previous studies in the same order of magnitude. Moreover, two-phase flow simulation of water and air was conducted to estimate the capillary pressure curve, and the characteristics of the laboratory tests in the past studies were successfully reproduced judging from the fact that the residual volumetric water content and S-shaped curve were obtained. In this study, contact angles between water and soil particles were changed, which led to the estimation that the contact angle between water and soil particles of the Toyoura sand is about 60˚.
Keywords: pore scale modeling, X-ray computed tomography, two-phase flow analysis, capillary pressure curve, unsaturated flow
*1 Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Cwnter of Technology