*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 地盤研究室
Surface-Subsurface Water Flow Simulation for Evaluation of Impact on River Flow due to Tunnel Construction
The large amount of groundwater inflow during mountain tunnel construction may have an adverse effect on the surrounding hydrological environment, such as well drying and decrease in river flow. The quantitative prediction of effects on the hydrological environment during tunnel construction is important for planning countermeasures and risk management. The authors introduced HydroGeoSphere, which is coupled surface and subsurface water flow modeling code. In order to confirm the applicability of HydroGeoSphere to tunnel projects, the authors attempted to reproduce the amounts of groundwater inflow in the tunnel or river flow rates observed in the past tunnel projects where a large water inflow occurred during construction. As a result, it was shown that the groundwater inflow rate and the change in the flow rate of the surrounding rivers can be quantitatively evaluated.
Keywords: coupled surface and subsurface water flow modeling, mountain tunnel, groundwater inflow, river flow rate
*1 Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology