*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 空間研究室
Research into a Method for Assessing Infection Risk in Indoor Spaces
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has led to increased interest in indoor air environments, necessitating safe spaces that have a minimal risk of infection. Focusing on aerosol transmission, one of the routes of respiratory infection, we propose a method and its criteria for assessing infection risks in indoor spaces, particularly in terms of which infectious substances are dispersed by indoor airflow.
As the proposed assessment method takes account of the spatial distribution of infection probability in indoor environments, a seating layout in a room and an infected person are predefined to determine the distribution of airflow and aerosol concentration using CFD analysis. When the number of secondary infections in a space that is calculated based on the infection probability at each seating location is less than one, the infection is considered to have converged; therefore, we have set this value as the infection risk criterion.
In this study, we assessed the infection risk when there is one infected person in a room while the room is being heated and being cooled using two types of heating/cooling systems: ceiling diffusers and floor diffusers. The results showed that the locations of the supply and return air vents had a significant impact on infection risk, and also confirmed that installing filters with a capture rate of 50% or higher was effective.
Keywords: infectious disease control, ventilation planning, CFD analysis, aerosol, infection probability, infection risk assessment
*1 Valuable Space Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department