その1 支配方程式の定式化と液状化地盤の弾塑性構成モデル
*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 地盤研究室
*2 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 防災研究室
*3 (株)アーク情報システム
Liquefaction Analysis Method by Introducing Governing Equations of Two-Phase System into General-Purpose 3D-FEM
Part 1: Formulation of Governing Equations and Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model of Liquefiable Soil
The occurrence of large earthquakes such as the Nankai Trough earthquake and the Tokyo inland earthquake is imminent. In order to examine effective countermeasures and rational foundations considering liquefaction-induced damage expected during the large earthquakes, it is important to evaluate the deformation of liquefiable ground in detail. The mechanism of its deformation is precisely accounted for by the Biot's theory of saturated porous media, which assumes that a saturated soil consists of two-phase continua of soil skeleton and pore water.
Therefore, we introduced the function for effective stress analysis based on the two-phase system devised in this theory to a general-purpose 3D-FEM program, TDAPIII. The contents of this study are reported in two papers. In this paper, the governing equations using the u-w formulation technique and the Stress-Density model for expressing behaviors of sandy soils are described as the key point of the introduced analysis function. Moreover, a basic simulation using a soil-columnar model is carried out, and it is shown that the numerical results are qualitatively harmonious with the general behaviors observed in liquefiable ground.
Keywords: liquefaction, three dimensions, effective stress analysis, u-w formulation, elasto-plastic constitutive law, Stress-Density model
*1 Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*3 ARK Information Systems, INC.