*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 防災研究室
Analysis of urban and people situation during disaster using human flow data and social media information
As part of construction companies' disaster management, one mission is understanding the damage suffered by clients' facilities and take prompt action to support their clients' business continuity planning. To this end, it is necessary for all restoration personnel to share the same recognition of the disaster situation so that personnel, materials, and equipment can be appropriately allocated. In this study, we analyzed and examined the possibility of understanding disaster situations using human flow data and social media information, which have become available in recent years, with the 2018 Osaka earthquake as the main subject. As a result, we confirmed that overlaying human flow data and social media information enables us to understand the specific congestion situation in various areas and determine trends that are unique to disaster situations about the status of commuter travel to work and the routes and means of traveling. Going forward, we will utilize the findings of this study to establish a mechanism for sharing disaster information and a method for supporting the actions of restoration personnel and others by combining these data with our own data.
Keywords: BCP, human flow data, social media information, damage assessment, disaster management, 2018 Osaka earthquake
*1 Disaster Preventation Research Section Urban Engineering Research Department Taisei Advanced Center of Technology