*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 先端基盤研究室
A Study on Fillability of High Flow Concrete Requiring Compaction
In recent years, the use of high flow concrete that requires compaction has been promoted in order to streamline concrete placement and save labor. However, it is not clear how to select the mix of the material for the said concrete and set the compaction time. In this paper, we investigated the fillability of high flow concrete requiring compaction by quantitative evaluation using compaction energy. As a result, it was found that the larger the target slump, the smaller the compaction energy required for filling completion and for material separation becomes. The results also indicate a tendency in which high flow concrete has a lower resistance to material separation and a smaller range of accurate compaction time than conventional ordinary concrete, suggesting that it is necessary to more accurately determine the degree of compaction.
Keywords: compaction energy, separation, fillability, quantitative evaluation, high frow concrete requiring compaction
*1 Advanced Infrastructure Technology Research Section, Infrastructure Techology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology