*1 技術センター イノベーション戦略部 技術開発戦略室
*2 中部支店 営業部(開発)
*3 営業総本部 まちづくりプロジェクト推進部
Social Experiment of Electric Mobility Utilization for Community Design of a Walkable City
Analysis of Sidewalk Space Monitoring Data Measured by Electric Mobility Vehicles
In recent years, there is a demand for attractive urban planning that creates liveliness in the face of Japan’s declining and aging population and dwindling birthrate. As one such measure for this, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is promoting collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors to create spaces where people can interact with each other and that people can enjoy being in. The aim is to create comfortable and inviting environments that encourage walking. Against this background, we are collaborating with Okazaki City in Aichi Prefecture to implement various co-creation projects toward two objectives: the realization of the promotion of attractive town development; and the building of a walkable city where people want to walk more. In this paper, we verify the effect of the introduction of electric mobility vehicles (namely, electric scooters and bicycles), which can run also on sidewalks, for travelling to stations and public facilities scattered throughout the city, rather than travelling by automobile, on convenience for and the commercial mobility of people. The verification involves the measuring of road surface conditions in sidewalk spaces by using our original monitoring system fitted onboard electric mobility vehicles to clarify factors influencing walkability, such as ease of travel.
Keywords: community design, electric mobility vehicles, sidewalk space, road surface condition
*1 Research and Development Strategy Section, Innovation Strategy Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Sales Department (Development), Chubu Branch
*3 Community Design Project Promotion Department, Marketing & Sales Division