我が国における国産木材の建材利用推進に対応し,鉄骨造をはじめとした中大規模建築物における木材の有効活用に期待が集まっている。従来の耐火木柱部材は,断面サイズが大きく,構造利用した木材を現しにできない問題があった。そこで当社は,角形鋼管と集成材を組み合わせたハイブリッド柱部材「T-WOOD TAIKA」を考案した。この部材は,集成材により部材の構造性能と耐火性能の向上を図りながら,木材の仕上げとして現しで用いることができる。本報では,実大の試験体を用いてその構造性能を検証した実験結果と,開発した部材を適用した新築の公共建築物の事例を報告する。
*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 構造研究室
*2 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 防災研究室
*3 設計本部 構造設計第二部
Structural Performance and Application Example of Hybrid Column Member Composed of Square Steel Pipe Stiffened with Laminated Lumber
Development of T-WOOD® TAIKA
In response to promoting the use of domestic lumber as a building material in Japan, there are expectations for the effective use of wood in medium- and large-scale buildings such as steel construction. Conventional fire-resistant wooden columns have problems such as their large cross-sectional size and inability to be used for exposed finish when used as structural members. Therefore, we devised a hybrid column member "T-WOOD TAIKA" that combines square steel pipe and laminated lumber. In this member, laminated lumber contributes to enhancing its structural performance and fire resistance performance, and also serves as exposed finish. This report shows the results of experiments to verify the structural performance of full-scale specimens and an example of newly constructed public building using members we developed.
Keywords: square steel pipe, laminated lumber, hybrid member, buckling stiffening, structural testing
*1 Structure Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*3 Structural Engineering Department II, Design Division