
高山 百合子*1・大野 剛*1・織田 幸伸*1



*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 水理研究室

Study on Turbidity Diffusion Simulation Using Satellite Data

Yuriko TAKAYAMA*1, Go OHNO*1 and Yukinobu ODA*1

In marine construction in coastal areas such as reclamation work, diffusing turbidity occurs If this turbidity dispersion can be accurately predicted, its influences can be determined in advance, thereby enabling construction that takes into consideration the coastal ecosystem. Even if the numerical simulation of current flow was to be accurately conducted, the accuracy of turbidity dispersion cannot be ensured since the initial value of the turbidity distribution is unknown. The objective of this study was to develop a method to obtain the planar distribution of turbidity in real time to be used as the initial condition of turbidity dispersion predictions, in order to ensure the accuracy of such predictions that can be used practically in coastal construction work. In this paper, the validity of this method was examined by using the turbidity distribution obtained from satellite data as the initial value. From the results of dispersion analysis (in which the initial value was obtained from the satellite data for Osaka Bay), it was found that accuracy of the turbidity distribution can be ensured by updating the initial value of turbidity daily. It was also confirmed that the accuracy can be improved by setting up turbidity reduction mechanisms (e.g., sedimentation) in the dispersion simulations.

Keywords: turbidity diffusion prediction, satellite data, visible band, sedimentation, reclamation work

*1 Hydraulic Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology