*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 構造研究室
*2 設計本部 構造計画部
*3 設計本部 構造設計第一部
Study on Structural Performance of Seismic Isolation Foundation with and without Base Plate
In seismic isolation structures, base plates are generally used to connect seismic isolators to the foundation. This base plate enables smooth stress transfer from the isolator to the foundation. On the other hand, in recent years, construction without a base plate has been adopted, although its structural performance is still unclear. Therefore, static cyclic loading tests were carried out using full-scale test specimens to clarify the effect on the integrity of the foundation with and without the base plate. The test results showed that there was no effect on the damage to the foundation with or without the base plate, and that the foundation maintained its integrity even with large deformations.
Keywords: seismic isolation foundation, base plate, fixing bolt, high damping rubber bearing
*1 Structure Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Structural Planning Department, Design Division
*3 Structural Engineering Department I, Design Division