*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 材工研究室
*2 横浜支店 土木工事作業所
Experimental Study on Quality Evaluation of 3D Printing Materials for Construction
The authors have been developing a 3D printing system for construction. In this research, vane shear tests and pumpability tests were mainly conducted in order to propose an evaluation method for the fresh properties of materials for 3D printing. The results confirmed that the vane shear test can evaluate the flowability of the material as well as the conventional mortar flow test, and is also useful for the evaluation of shape stability and buildability. From the pumpability tests, the discharge pressure to maintain steady pumping was determined. It was also found that when the pumping was suspended and restarted, the maximum discharge pressure increased, and the pumping efficiency decreased. It was confirmed that this pumping efficiency can be evaluated from the vane shear strength in the static state.
Keywords: 3D printing, fresh property, vane shear strength, pumpability, mortar flow
*1 Structure and Material Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Construction Site, Yokohama Branch