

屋祢下 亮*1・鈴木 奈々子*2・渡邊 篤*2


キーワード:  地域性種苗,埋土種子,日本芝裁断苗,客土吹付け

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 環境研究室
*2 環境本部 環境計画部

Development of a Revegetation Technique Using Local Seedlings

Spraying Revegetation Method by Topsoil Including a Seed Bank

Makoto YANESHITA*1, Nanako SUZUKI*2 and Atsushi WATANABE*2

In order to develop a revegetation technique that used local plant seedlings of plants instead of introduced plants, such as tall fescue, we examined a revegetation spraying method that used topsoil collected in a construction site. The following results were obtained.
1) It is possible to restore vegetation by spraying topsoil collected from the site, which contained a seed bank of local plant seedlings growing at the site.
2) Covering the topsoil with a sheet while it is stored will be able to prevent the germination of weeds, such as tall gramineous plants, in the early period after construction.
3) A spraying mixture of topsoil and sprigs of Japanese lawngrass can increase the revegetation rate for local seedlings.

Keywords:  local seedling, seed bank, sprigs of Japanese lawngrass, spraying of topsoil

*1 Environmental Engineering Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Environmental Planning Department, Environment Division