

足立 英明*1・高倉 克彦*1・森田 泰司*1・中根 隆*2


キーワード:  シールドマシン,カッタービット,ビット交換,球体,二重ビット

*1 技術センター 土木技術開発部 地下空間開発室
*2 (株)IHI

Technique for Replacing Cutter Bits During Shield Tunneling

Bit Replacement System with Spherical Structure, and Double-Bit Replacement System

Hideaki ADACHI*1, Katsuhiko TAKAKURA*1, Yasushi MORITA*1 and Takashi NAKANE*2

In order to reduce operating costs and facilitate site acquisition in cities, longer tunnels are being bored using the shield tunnel method. This has resulted in the departure and arrival shafts becoming farther apart. For these long shield tunnels, replacing abraded cutter bits has become the most important issue. To resolve this issue, we have developed two bit-replacement systems. The first bit-replacement system has a spherical structure and can replace the bits on large machines. The second is a double-bit replacement system that can replace the bits on machines of most sizes.

Keywords:  shield tunneling machine, cutter bit, bit replacing technique, spherical structure, double bits

*1 Underground Structure Section, Civil Engineering Technology Development Dept., Technology Center
*2 IHI Corporation