

新宅 建夫*1・足立 英明*1・高倉 克彦*1・森田 泰司*1


キーワード:  交通渋滞,アンダーパス,大断面分割,曲線施工,長距離施工

*1 技術センター 土木技術開発部 地下空間開発室

The Harmonica Tunneling Method

Method of Constructing a Large Section Tunnel by Integrated Small Shield Tunnels

Tatsuo SHINTAKU*1, Hideaki ADACHI*1, Katsuhiko TAKAKURA*1 and Yasushi MORITA*1

In urban areas, traffic congestion occurs when crossings are closed or roads intersect with major arterial roads.While crossover passes have eliminated this congestion in recent years, constructing a crossover pass with an underpass involves cutting a tunnel using the open-cut method, which requires setting up a construction yard at ground level. However, the construction yard itself can be a cause of new traffic congestion, as a large yard will reduce the number of lanes available for traffic. Moreover, such construction yards influence the ambience of the surroundings for the duration of the construction. To solve these problems, the Harmonica tunneling method was developed. This method shortens the time needed to construct the underpass. This paper outlines the new method, explains its features and application to construction work, and describes possible directions for further development of the method.

Keywords:  traffic congestion, underpass, integrating small section tunnels, curved tunnel, long-distance tunnel

*1 Underground Structure Section, Civil Engineering Technology Development Dept., Technology Center