
三桶 達夫*1・堀口 賢一*1・丸屋 剛*1・福浦 尚之*1・西田 与志雄*2・服部 佳文*3・加藤 隆*3


キーワード:  鋼繊維補強コンクリート,RSFセグメント,共同溝,小口径トンネル

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 土木構工法研究室
*2 土木本部 土木技術部
*3 土木本部 土木設計部

Evaluation of Structural Performance of Shield Segment Using Reinforced Concrete with Steel Fiber

Tatsuo MIOKE*1, Kenichi HORIGUCHI*1, Tsuyoshi MARUYA*1, Naoyuki FUKUURA*1, Yoshio NISHIDA*2, Yoshifumi HATTORI*3 and Takashi KATO*3

We have developed a small-diameter depressed shield segment constructed of steel-fiber reinforced concrete. The segment is suitable for common ducts with diameters between 3,000 mm and 6,000 mm. Structural experiments proved the effectiveness of the steel fiber. To show the impact of the steel fiber on the characteristics of structures, we conducted experiments using a simply supported beam. Experiments also were conducted using RC and RSF plate specimens to show the stress distributions. Finally, experiments were conducted using an arch segment with a 20% lower area ratio of longitudinal reinforcing bars.
The experiments showed that the steel fiber increased the ultimate strength, allowing for the design of small shield segments without distribution and hoop reinforcements. The volume of reinforcements was also reduced, and the segments can be designed more practically.

Keywords:  reinforced steel fiber concrete(RSF), segment using RSF, common duct, tunnel with small diameter

*1 Civil Structure and Material Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Civil Engineering Technology Promotion Dept., Civil Engineering Div.
*3 Design Dept., Civil Engineering Div.