
陣内 浩*1・山本 佳城*1・渡邉 悟士*1・服部 敦志*2・寺内 利恵子*3・宮田 哲治*4・森 康浩*4


キーワード:  高強度コンクリート,超高層建築,プレキャスト,品質管理

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*2 設計本部 構造グループ
*3 建築本部 技術部 建築技術部
*4 東京支店 東池袋四丁目第2地区市街地再開発作業所

Production and Quality Control Testing of High-Strength, Precast Concrete Columns Made with 160MPa Concrete

Hiroshi JINNAI*1, Keiki YAMAMOTO*1, Satoshi WATANABE*1, Atsushi HATTORI*2, Rieko TERAUCHI*3, Tetsuji MIYATA*4 and Yasuhiro MORI*4

This paper deals with production and quality control results of high strength precast concrete columns with 160 MPa concrete that were used for a 52-story high-rise apartment building. The special material selected carefully was used for the concrete of 160MPa. The binder for 160MPa concrete consisted of 70% ordinary portland cement, 20% blast-furnace slag and gypsum, and 10% silica fume. Crushed andesite stone and sand were used as aggregates for 160MPa concrete. Water binder ratio of concrete was 0.145.
The results of quality control tests for air content, unit water content were stable. The polystyrene form was set up surface of column to decrease the difference between the interior temperature and surface temperature of the columns. And core strength of 160MPa concrete column was exceeding 160 MPa.

Keywords:  high-strength concrete, high-rise building, precast member, quality control

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Structural Engineering Group, Design Division
*3 Technology Promotion Department, Building Construction Division
*4 Building Construction Site, Tokyo Branch