
久保田 浩*1・髙橋 愛枝*1・光木 史朗*2・木場 将雄*3・山本 知弘*3・中尾 正純*4


キーワード:  鉄鋼面塗装材,劣化予測,交流インピーダンス,目視評価,促進腐食試験

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*2 原子力本部 原子力技術第一部
*3 関西電力(株)
*4 (株)環境総合テクノス

Using Inpedance Measurements to Predict the Deterioration of Steel Painting Materials

Hiroshi KUBOTA*1, Yoshie TAKAHASHI*1, Shiro MITSUGI*2, Masao KOBA*3, Tomohiro YAMAMOTO*3 and Masazumi NAKAO*4

We evaluated the use of exchange impedance measurement to predict the deterioration of steel painting materials. Accelerated corrosion tests were conducted on various steel painting materials, and the exchange impedances were measured and used to predict the levels of deterioration. The predictions were then compared with the results of visual evaluations. In addition, various sites were examined for applicability of exchange impedance measurements. The results show that exchange impedance measurements can be used on-site reasonably predict the longevity of steel paint materials.

Keywords:  steel painting materials, predict the deterioration, impedance, visual evaluation, accelerated corrosion test

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Nuclear Facilities Engineering I, Nuclear Facilities Division
*3 Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.
*4 The General Environmental Technos Co., LTD