

梅田 和彦*1・矢島 清志*2・杉山 由子*2・奥畑 浩一郎*2・守田 進*3・寺崎 透*4・伊藤 永三郎*4


キーワード:  ネット,給水,蒸発冷却,施工現場,仮囲い,気温,SET*

*1 技術センター 建築技術開発部 建築生産技術開発室
*2 関西支店 積水ハウス御堂筋本町ビル新築工事作業所
*3 関西支店 建築部
*4 建築本部 建築部

Investigation on Mitigation of the Thermal Environment in Construction Sites by Wetted Nets

Field Measurements of the Evaporative Cooling Effect

Kazuhiko UMEDA*1, Kiyoshi YAJIMA*2, Yoshiko SUGIYAMA*2, Koichiro OKUHATA*2, Susumu MORITA*3, Toru TERASAKI*4 and Eizaburo ITO*4

The heat island phenomenon is a severe social problem in large Japanese cities. The problem is most serious in Osaka, where the number of hot summer days and tropical nights is greater than in Tokyo or Nagoya. Every year in Osaka, more than a hundred emergency patients suffering from heat stress disorders are carried to hospitals by ambulances etc. From the viewpoint of health care of field workers, it is important to mitigate such hot urban micro-climatic environments at building construction sites too.
The purpose of this study is to mitigate the hot climatic conditions during construction work at a site located in Osaka City. At this location, heat island effects are known to be most serious even within Osaka City. The hot urban micro-climatic environment was mitigated by creating a “water curtain” around the construction site. This was achieved by spreading nets (3 meters in height and 73 meters in length) inside the perimeter fence and then discharging the groundwater generated during the construction work via these nets. In September 2009, field measurements were conducted at this site. It was found that because of the presence of the “water curtain”, the air temperature inside the safety passages as well as the Standard New Effective Temperature SET* (which is an index of the thermal environment), tended to be reduced by about 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Keywords:  net, water supply, evaporative cooling, construction site, temporary enclosure, air temperature, SET*

*1 Construction Technology Development Section, Building Technology Development Department, Technology Center
*2 The Sekisui House Midosuji Honmachi Building Project, Kansai Branch
*3 Building Construction Department, Kansai Branch
*4 Building Construction Department, Building Construction Division