
内山 泰生*1・糸井 達哉*2


キーワード:  距離減衰式,応答スペクトル,長周期地震動,堆積層厚さ

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 防災研究室
*2 元 技術センター 建築技術研究所 防災研究室(現 東京大学)

Effects of Sediment Depth on Ground Motion Prediction Equations

Yasuo UCHIYAMA*1 and Tatsuya ITOI*2

Ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are developed by the regression analysis based on the strong motion records of previous earthquakes. These GMPEs have a handful of independent parameters, such as magnitude, source-to-site distance, and site class. Although the GMPEs are simple and convenient, these equations cannot evaluate the effects of style of faulting, directivity, and so on. We propose a correction factor for the effects of the sedimentary basin depth on long-period response spectra. This factor is based on an analysis of the residuals between the observed strong motion records and the predicted spectral amplitude using the GMPEs. The residuals reveal a dependence on depth to 1.5km/s and 3.0km/s (S-wave velocity) isosurfaces and increase with the sediment depth.

Keywords:  ground motion prediction equations, response spectra, long period ground motion, sediment depth

*1 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Former Disaster Prevention Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center