

堀井 良浩*1・渡邊 徹*1・長尾 俊昌*1

(1) 設計上の極限支持力に相当する,先端沈下量が杭径の10%の時の先端荷重度qpuは,杭下端からの支持層の厚さとその相対密度に影響される。
(2) 杭の先端の荷重~沈下量関係は,建築基礎構造設計指針に示される場所打ち杭の設計推奨式と,2層地盤の支持力式によるqpuの計算結果等とから推定される関係に概ね対応する。
(3) 推定した杭の先端の荷重~沈下量関係を組み込んだFEM解析により,中間層支持杭の沈下挙動の評価が可能である。

キーワード:  杭,支持力,沈下,中間層,鉛直載荷実験,遠心模型実験,シミュレーション解析

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室

Bearing Behavior of Vertically Loaded Piles on Thin Bearing Layers

Centrifuge Model Tests and Simulation Analyses of Piles on Bearing Layers of Various Thicknesses and Relative Densities

Yoshihiro HORII*1, Toru WATANABE*1 and Toshiaki NAGAO*1

Both centrifuge model tests and simulation analyses were used to estimate the bearing behavior of vertically loaded piles on thin bearing layers of various thicknesses and relative densities. The following conclusions were reached:
(1) The bearing capacity of a pile tip when the settlement reached 10% of the pile diameter was affected by the thickness of the bearing layer below the pile tip and the relative density.
(2) The load-settlement curve of a pile tip corresponded approximately to the relationship that was estimated from the design recommended curve for a cast-in-place pile on a thick bearing layer, the projected area method for estimating the bearing capacity, and so on.
(3) A simulation using the proposed load-settlement curve of a pile tip accurately modeled the features of vertically loaded piles on thin bearing layers.

Keywords:  pile, bearing capacity, settlement, thin bearing layer, vertical loading test, centrifuge model test, simulation analysis

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center