サンプリングモアレカメラ(SMC)は複数ターゲットを同時に1 回/秒以上の高頻度かつ高精度で計測できることが特徴である。山岳トンネルでは施工管理の一環として、最大2 回/日の頻度で10m~30m 毎に計測断面を設けてトータルステーション(TS)による変位計測が実施される。TS による計測は持ち運びが容易で汎用性が高い一方で、毎回の機器の据え付けや基準点設置といった作業負担が発生する。また、計測ごとに据え付けて人の手で計測するため、人為的な計測誤差に注意を要するとともに、計測頻度を増やすことが難しい。よって、高精度かつ高頻度の継続的な計測が要求される場合にSMCを活用することで、TSの弱点を補うことができ、変位計測の品質向上が期待できる。筆者らは、SMCを用いた山岳トンネルでの坑内計測への応用を目標として、山岳トンネル掘削環境下での適用性検証を目的とした現場試験を実施した。本報告ではその取組みを紹介する。
*1 技術センター 社会基盤技術研究部 地盤研究室
Displacement measurement using Sampling Moire Camera during mountain tunnel excavation
The sampling moiré camera (SMC) is characterized by its ability to measure multiple targets simultaneously at a high frequency and with high accuracy. In mountain tunnelling, displacement is measured by a total station (TS) at intervals of 10 to 20 meters twice a day as part of the construction management. While the TS is easy to carry and is highly versatile, its use imposes some burden, including the need to install the equipment for every measurement and set up reference points and to pay attention to possible errors that may occur from manual installation and measurement. Hence, it is difficult to increase measurement frequency. Therefore, when high-precision and high-frequency continuous measurement is required, one can expect the use of the SMC will compensate the TS for its weaknesses and that quality of displacement measurement will eventually improve. The authors are conducting field tests under the excavation environment to study the applicability of the SMC to wall displacement measurement in the tunnel. This report describes these efforts.
Keywords: Sampling moire camera, mountain tunnel, wall displacement measurement, continuous measurement
*1 Geotechnical Research Section, Infrastructure Technology Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology