*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 構造研究室
*2 設計本部 構造設計第三部
*3 関西支店 設計部
Expanded Scope of application of "T-HR ® method" for Controlling Plastic Hinge Position
To prevent yield failure at the joints of reinforced concrete column-beam frames, we have developed and applied the T-HR Method, a hinge relocation method. One type of the T-HR Method, the "sleeve type", relocates the plastic hinge position of the beam by using the main bar in the beam end sections that are greater in diameter and are stronger than that in the center section of the beam and connecting them to the main bar at the beam center section side using mortar-filled mechanical splices. This paper reports on experiments on full-scale beam members with the aim of expanding the scope of application of this method to short spans, beam PCa horizontal insertion, beam end openings, and so on. The results confirmed the method can move the hinge cross-section toward the center of the beam even in when the expanded the scope of application is expanded, indicating the applicability of the proposed method.
Keywords: plastic hinge relocation method, beam, mechanical reinforcing bar splice, precast concrete, opening
*1 Structure Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Structural Engineering Department III, Design Division
*3 Design Division, Kansai Branch