大スパン空間を構築する鉄筋コンクリート技術として,当社独自のプレテンション方式プレキャストプレストレストコンクリート(PCaPC)梁 T-POP®(Taisei Precast Optimized beam with Prestress)を開発した。T-POPの特徴は,高強度コンクリートの利用と高強度鉄筋の緊張材としての使用により,鋼材量の削減,梁断面の縮小化,部材の軽量化が図れることである。
*1 技術センター 技術企画部
*2 建築本部 技術部
*3 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 構造研究室
Discussion of the Effective Prestressing Force in PCaPC Beams Utilizing High-strength Materials
A unique precast prestressed concrete beam technology, T-POP®, has been developed as a reinforced concrete construction technique for building large-span spaces. The distinctive feature of T-POP lies in the utilization of high-strength concrete and the use of high-strength steel tensioning bars, enabling reduction of steel, reduction in beam cross-section and lightweight design of the components.
The pre-stressing method employed in T-POP is a rational construction technique that introduces prestressing force through the bond between steel tensioning bars and concrete. Early introduction of prestressing force after concrete hardening is economically advantageous in the manufacturing process. However, it is crucial to appropriately determine the effective prestressing force, considering the introduction of prestressing force during the early age of concrete and the use of high-strength steel reinforcement as tensioning bars. Therefore, in this report, we will examine the calculation method for determining the effective prestressing force, considering the manufacturing procedure of T-POP and the stress decline of concrete and tensioning bars.
Keywords: creep, drying shrinkage, relaxation, effective prestressing force
*1 Technology Planning Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Building Construction Department, Building Construction Division
*3 Structure Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology