*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 防災研究室
*2 技術センター イノベーション戦略部 技術開発戦略室
*3 技術センター イノベーション戦略部
*4 営業総本部 まちづくりプロジェクト推進部
Pedestrian and Traffic Flow Measurement Technology Using Image Recognition AI
Observation Result of the Unzen Onsen Area
Understanding visitor trends is crucial for developing effective tourism strategies. However, this requires collecting vast amounts of data through field measurements and investigations, which utilizes considerable resources and time for data organization. In this study, the authors utilized AI image recognition technology and locational information big data and performed field measurements of pedestrian and traffic flow in the Unzen Onsen area. Consequently, it is demonstrated that utilizing multiple sensing technologies enables the analysis of the relative fluctuations in pedestrian flow over time, differences in the level of crowding at each tourist spot, visitor attributes, and the length of visitors' stays in the Unzen Onsen area.
Keywords: image recognition AI, point type floating population data, pedestrian flow, traffic flow, co-Creation, tourism
*1 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Research and Development Strategy Section, Innovation Strategy Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*3 Innovation Strategy Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*4 Community Design Project Promotion Department, Marketing & Sales Division