植栽地域の系統の緑化植物は,地域固有の遺伝的特徴の保全や地域の気候に適した緑化の実現を目的に利用される。植栽地域の系統の判別には適応に関わる多くの遺伝子を持つ核DNAの情報が有効である。しかしながら,染色体数の異なる種内倍数性を持つ植物は似通った遺伝子を識別して比較することが困難であることから核DNA解析に課題がある。本報では,種内倍数性を持ち,緑化に多用されるノリウツギHydrangea paniculataを対象とした核DNAを含む遺伝子解析事例について報告する。ノリウツギの核DNA解析,葉緑体DNA解析,倍数性の解析の結果,国内のノリウツギには遺伝的に異なる2つのグループが認められ,近畿地方を境界として南西グループと北東グループに分かれることが示された。
*1 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 空間研究室
*2 東北大学
*3 筑波大学
Detecting Genetic Regionality in Hydrangea paniculata for Sustainable Greening
Greening plants of a planting region's lineage are used for the purpose of conserving the region's unique genetic characteristics and achieving greening suitable for the local climate. Information on nuclear DNA, which contains many genes related to adaptation, is useful for identifying the lineage of a planting area. However, it is difficult to identify and compare similar genes in plants with intraspecific ploidy, which have different chromosome numbers, and this poses a challenge for nuclear DNA analysis. In this report, we describe a case of genetic analysis including nuclear DNA of the intraspecific ploidy of the Japanese knotweed, Hydrangea paniculata, which is often used for afforestation. The results of nuclear DNA analysis, chloroplast DNA analysis, and ploidy analysis of Hydrangea paniculata showed that there are two genetically distinct groups of Hydrangea paniculata in Japan and that they are divided into a southwestern group and a northeastern group, with the Kinki region as the boundary.nuclear DNA of the intraspecific ploidy of the Japanese knotweed, Hydrangea paniculata, which is often used for afforestation. The results of nuclear DNA analysis, chloroplast DNA analysis, and ploidy analysis of Hydrangea paniculata showed that there are two genetically distinct groups of Hydrangea paniculata in Japan, and that they are divided into a southwestern group and a northeastern group, with the Kinki region as the boundary.
Keywords: biodiversity, nature positive, symbiosis with nature, greening
*1 Valuable Space Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Tohoku University
*3 University of Tsukuba