近年,自然災害が多発する中,建物の供用期間中に性能を担保していく対策が必要である。特にわが国は,気象庁の過去5年間の地震観測記録から,震度5弱以上の地震を平均年10 回程度受けていることになる。このような地震に対して建物性能を確保していくためには,「事前対策」,「直後対応」と「復旧対策」の3つのフェーズの連携が必要不可欠になると考えられる。特に「直後対応」は,「事前対策」と「復旧対策」の仲立ちを行う役割を担うフェーズとして重要である。本報では,地震直後の構造物の健全性を評価し,被害状況を見える化する「直後対応」の位置付けについて述べ,このフェーズを担う構造ヘルスモニタリングシステムについて紹介する。最後に構造のみならず非構造部材や室内の被害も含めた総合的な建物健全性モニタリングの必要性について述べる。
*1 技術センター 先端技術開発室 AI連携技術開発室
*2 リニューアル本部 リニューアル推進部
*3 ソリューション営業本部 AI・loTビジネス推進部
*4 技術センター イノベーション戦略部 技術開発戦略室
*5 技術センター 都市基盤技術研究部 防災研究室
Development of Structural Health Monitoring System "SOKUSHIN NAVI"
Monitoring Technology that Supports Resilience against Earthquake Disasters
In recent years, as natural disasters occur frequently, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that performance is maintained during the service period of a building. Japan receives an average of 10 earthquakes per year with a seismic intensity of 5 lower or stronger, according to the seismic observation records of the Japan Meteorological Agency for the past 5 years. In order to ensure building performance against such an earthquake, it is considered indispensable to cooperate in the three phases of "advance measures", "immediate responses" and "recovery measures". In particular, immediate response is important as a phase that plays a role of mediating between advance measures and recovery measures. In this report, evaluating the soundness of the structure immediately after an earthquake and visualizing the damage situation is considered to be part of the "immediate response", and a structural health monitoring system is introduced that plays a role in this phase. Finally, the need for comprehensive building integrity monitoring is described, including not only structural damage but also non-structural members and interior damage.
Keywords: resilience, business continuity planning, structural health monitoring, interlayer deformation angle
*1 AI Utilization Technology Development Section, Advanced Technology Development Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*2 Building Renovation Promotion Department, Building Renovation Division
*3 AI & IoT Business Promotion Department, Proposal & Solutions Division
*4 Research and Development Strategy Section, Innovation Strategy Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology
*5 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Urban Engineering Research Department, Taisei Advanced Center of Technology