
船原 英樹*1・富田 菜都美*2・長尾 俊昌*2


キーワード:  液状化,長継続時間地震動,遠心模型実験,有効応力解析

*1 技術センター 技術企画部 企画室
*2 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室

Dynamic Centrifuge Tests and Effective Stress Analyses on Liquefaction due to Long-duration Earthquake

Hideki FUNAHARA*1, Natsumi TOMITA*2 and Toshiaki NAGAO*2

During the Great East Japan earthquake, heavy liquefaction occurred along the Tokyo bay coast which is far from the epicenter. A major reason of this is considered that the repeat number of seismic motion was large due to the large fault size. Demands to judge the liquefaction potential due to a giant earthquake like Tokai-Tonankai Earthquake are increasing. Therefore this study was conducted to establish the simulation technique of the liquefaction phenomena caused by small but long earthquake. At first, centrifugal shaking table tests were conducted to re-produce the liquefaction phenomena due to the long-duration seismic motion. Secondly effective stress analyses were conducted to simulate the measured pore water pressures and accelerations. The simulation successfully re-produced the experimental results. It was revealed that the liquefaction strength and the permeability are important factors to reasonably simulate the phenomena.

Keywords:  liquefaction, long-duration seismic motion, centrifugal model test, effective stress analysis

*1 Planning Section, Technology Planning Department, Technology Center
*2 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center