
青野 翔*1・高木 政美*1・日比野 浩*1・廣石 恒二*1・長島 一郎*1・出雲 洋治*2・塚田 乙*3


キーワード:  自動倉庫ラック,制震,マスダンパー,振動台実験,荷崩れ対策

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 防災研究室
*2 設計本部 構造設計第二部
*3 エンジニアリング本部 ロジスティクス・ソリューショングループ

Development of Vibration Control Device for Racks in Automated Warehouses

Sho AONO*1, Masayoshi TAKAKI*1, Hiroshi HIBINO*1, Kouji HIROISHI*1, Ichiro NAGASHIMA*1, Youji IZUMO*2 and Masaru TSUKADA*3

During the 2011 off Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, many storing products in automated warehouses fell down from the racks. Those dropped products damaged themselves as well as the equipment to carry the products. Moreover, it took much time not only to recover the damaged equipment but also to remove those dropped products. Currently, as a Business Continuity Planning of automated warehouse, an effective countermeasure against products falling has been required. As one of simple and reasonable means to prevent products from dropping, we have developed a vibration control device using mass-damper system. And to verify the effectiveness of the device, we conducted a series of shaking table tests and analyses on seismic performance of an actual-size rack. As a result, we determined that the countermeasure to reduce the response of the rack is effective to prevent products dropping.

Keywords:  rack in automated warehouse, vibration control, mass damper, shaking table test, load shifting control

*1 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Structural Engineering Department (II), Design Division
*3 Logistics Solution Group, Engineering Division