
渡邉 悟士*1・吉田 泰*2・陣内 浩*1・並木 哲*1


キーワード:  環境配慮,高強度コンクリート,副産物,構造体コンクリート,耐久性

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室
*2 東京支店 建築工事作業所

Development of Environmentally Friendly High Strength Concrete

Satoshi WATANABE*1, Yutaka YOSHIDA*2, Hiroshi JINNAI*1 and Satoru NAMIKI*1

In this study, environmentally friendly high strength concrete has been developed through the use of high strength cement (E-VKC) containing 70% by-products. Based on the actual production test in a ready-mixed concrete plant, the compressive strength of the concrete in structure is considered to be evaluated by the curing temperature and the coarse aggregate type. The results of accelerated carbonation test and freezing-thawing test confirmed that the concrete developed has extremely high durability. When the compressive strength is 80MPa, the high strength concrete developed can reduce CO2 emissions from materials used by approximately 60% compared to the traditional high strength concrete.

Keywords:  environmentally friendly, high strength concrete, by-product, concrete in structure, durability

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Building Construction Site, Tokyo Branch