

吉田 光毅*1・帆秋 利洋*1・沖田 紀子*2・藤原 靖*2・布施 博之*3・平田 敦洋*4・荒田 直*5


キーワード:  メタンハイドレート,海洋資源,メタン酸化細菌,メタンモノオキシゲナーゼ,東部南海トラフ海域

*1 環境本部 環境開発部 新エネルギー開発室
*2 技術センター 土木技術研究所 水域・環境研究室
*3 芝浦工業大学
*4 (一財)エンジニアリング協会
*5 (独)石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構

A Study for Using Microbial Indicators to Monitor the Environment in Areas Containing Methane Hydrate

Monitoring Methanotroph Genes to Detect Methane Leaks below the Sea Bottom in Deep Seas

Kouki YOSHIDA*1, Toshihiro HOAKI*1, Noriko OKITA*2, Yasushi FUJIWARA*2, Hiroyuki FUSE*3, Atsuhiro HIRATA*4 and Nao ARATA*5

Phase 1 of Japan’s Methane Hydrate R&D Program, which started in FY2001, was executed by the Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan (also known as MH21), an industry-government-academia collaboration research group. Phase 1 carried out seismic surveys, drilling surveys, and environmental surveys around the eastern Nankai Trough, which was selected as the model area. Phase 1 was completed in FY2008. In Phase 2, offshore methane hydrate production tests on the Dai-Ni Atsumi Knoll in the area of the eastern Nankai Trough are scheduled. MH21 considers environmental impact assessment an important part of the Methane Hydrate R&D program. Under this program, the authors are attempting to detect methane in the marine environment and have studied methane-oxidizing bacteria, which can grow rapidly in response to methane, in the area around the eastern Nankai Trough. The goal is to develop DNA and microbial technologies that can detect methane leaks under the deep-sea bottom.

Keywords:  methane hydrate, ocean resources, methanotrophs, methane monooxygenase, eastern Nankai Trough

*1 New Energy Development Section, Environmental Development Department, Environment Division
*2 Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*3 Shibaura Institute of Technology
*4 Engineering Advancement Association of Japan
*5 Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation