

高畑 陽*1・松井 秀岳*1・石井 裕泰*1・堀越 研一*1


キーワード:  打ち込み式注入管,スパージング,土壌浄化,薬液注入,地盤改良

*1 技術センター 土木技術研究所 地盤・岩盤研究室

Development of Driving-type Injection Pipe for Soil Remediation and Improvement

Optimization of Ejection Slit, and Study on Simple Sounding Based on Penetration Resistance

Yoh TAKAHATA*1, Hidetake MATSUI*1, Hiroyasu ISHII*1 and Kenichi HORIKOSHI*1

A driving-type injection pipe can prepare air/chemical injection holes without the need for pre-boring and void-filling, both of which are required when using conventional pipe-setting methods. This innovative method enables faster and more economical soil remediation and improvement. This paper presents an outline of the method and describes experiments to optimize the size and number of slits through which air/chemical grout is injected into the ground. The use of penetration resistance as a simple sounding method is also examined. The results show that converted penetration resistances can be used to estimate STP-N values if the penetration rates are accurately taken into account.

Keywords:  driving-type injection pipe, air sparging, soil remediation, chemical grouting, soil improvement

*1 Soil and Rock Engineering Research Section, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center