

吉田 泰*1・陣内 浩*1・並木 哲*1


キーワード:  環境配慮,超高強度コンクリート,副産物,模擬柱部材,反発度

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室

Study on Environmentally Friendly High-Strength Concrete

Study on Column Specimen with Environmentally Friendly High-Strength Concrete

Yutaka YOSHIDA*1, Hiroshi JINNAI*1 and Satoru NAMIKI*1

Importance that reducing the environmental impact which occurs at the time of construction has prompted us to develop environmentally friendly concrete: a high-strength concrete that contains high volume of by-products. Compressive strength of core is larger than that of standard curing at early ages, but standard curing is larger than core at long term ages. And we propose the formula which presumes compressive strength of core from rebound number.

Keywords:  environmentally friendly, high-strength concrete, by-product, column specimen, rebound number

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center