

関根 賢太郎*1・安藤 一成*2・寺島 和秀*3・太田 裕雄*4


キーワード:  地中熱,ヒートポンプ,空調システム,二酸化炭素削減

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 環境研究室
*2 設計本部 環境シミュレーショングループ
*3 土木営業本部 公共第二営業部
*4 名古屋支店 建築部

Borehole Ground-source Heat Pump System

Evaluation of Heat-pump Performance in an Existing Building

Kentaro SEKINE*1, Kazunari ANDO*2, Hidekazu TERASHIMA*3 and Hiroo OTA*4

Ground-source heat pump systems can achieve a higher coefficient of performance than conventional air-source heat pump systems because the temperature of the ground, which functions as a heat source or sink, is higher in winter and lower in summer than the air temperature. In this way, the system saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions. The system was installed in an existing hospital. Tests showed that the new system reduced running costs by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide emissions by 66% as compared to the hospital’s previous system.

Keywords:  ground source, heat pump, air-conditioning system, carbon dioxide emissions

*1 Environmental Engineering Research Section, Building engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Environmental Simulation Department, Design Division
*3 Second Public Business Department, Civil Business Division
*4 Building Construction Site, Nagoya Branch