

高倉 克彦*1・森田 泰司*1・佐々木 誠*2・糸平 圭一*3


キーワード:  シールドマシン,カッタービット,リユース,ろう付強度,疲労

*1 技術センター 土木技術開発部 地下空間開発室
*2 (株)丸和技研 技術営業グループ
*3 福岡県工業技術センター 機械電子研究所

Development of Technique for Reusing Shield Tunneling Cutter Bits

Method for Evaluating the Performance of Used Cutter Bits’

Katsuhiko TAKAKURA*1, Yasushi MORITA*1, Makoto SASAKI*2 and Keiichi ITOHIRA*3

Shield tunneling machines use cutter bits that have edges made of cemented carbides of rare metals. These cutter bits are located at the front of the cutter head and directly excavate the soil. After being used for tunnel excavation, the cutter bits are usually scraped. A visual check of used cutter bits, however, has revealed that many of these cutter bits show little wear and no cracks or chipping in the cemented carbide. Such bits should be reusable, if they are able to satisfy the excavating needs of a shield-tunneling site. We have developed a technique for evaluating the performance of used cutter bits.

Keywords:  shield tunneling machine, cutter bit, reuse, strength of brazed part, fatigue

*1 Underground Structure Section, Civil Engineering Technology Development Dept., Technology Center
*2 Technology & Sales Section, Maruwagiken Co., Ltd
*3 Mechanics & Electronics Research Institute, Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center