高性能上下免震床システム(TASS floor-3D)の開発

欄木 龍大*1・長島 一郎*1・新居 藍子*1・勝田 庄二*2・木村 雄一*3・中島 徹*2・山﨑 英一*2


キーワード:  上下免震床,回転慣性機構,振動台実験,事業継続計画,データセンター

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 防災研究室
*2 設計本部 構造グループ
*3 設計本部 構造計画グループ

Development of High-performance Vertical Isolation Floor System

Ryota MASEKI*1, Ichiro NAGASHIMA*1, Aiko NII*1, Shoji KATSUTA*2, Yuichi KIMURA*3, Toru NAKAJIMA*2 and Eiichi YAMAZAKI*2

In order to ensure the continuation of business after an earthquake, server rooms in data centers, etc., must be equipped with both vertical and horizontal seismic isolation systems. Conventionally, a vertical isolation floor system using only an air spring is adopted. Because the natural period of an isolation floor is limited to about 0.7 seconds, however, its performance depends on the characteristics of the input seismic excitation. Therefore, we have developed a high-performance vertical isolation floor system that combines a rotary inertia device with an air spring, which increases the natural period of the isolation floor to a maximum of 1.8 seconds. A simulation analysis of a model building and shaking table tests verified that the system provides adequate isolation.

Keywords:  vertical isolation floor system, rotary inertia device, shaking table test, business continuity planning, data center

*1 Disaster Prevention Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Structural Engineering Group, Design Division
*3 Structural Planning Group, Design Division