
渡邊 徹*1・石﨑 定幸*1・金田 菜都美*1・長尾 俊昌*1


キーワード:  柱状地盤改良体,建設発生土,施工法,試験施工,圧縮強度

*1 技術センター 建築技術研究所 建築構工法研究室

Development of Soil Improvement Method using Construction Surplus Soil

Toru WATANABE*1, Sadayuki ISHIZAKI*1, Natsumi KANEDA*1 and Toshiaki NAGAO*1

This paper reports field test constructions of a new soil improvement method under development. The objective of this development is to reduce the amount of construction surplus soil and to construct soil cement column of surplus soil and soil stabilizer. Surplus soil is filled in the space formed by the casing pipe with a taper head while drilling. Field test constructions were conducted to obtain construction time, optimum construction process, and quality of soil cement column. The following results were obtained:
・The disposable volume of surplus soil is about the half volume of casing pipe.
・The quality of new soil cement column is roughly equivalent to that of conventional one.
・Drilling time of the casing pipe is about 33% of total construction time.

Keywords:  soil cement column, construction surplus soil, construction method, test construction, compressive strength

*1 Building System and Material Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center