

小柳 秀光*1・石黒 邦道*2・齋藤 正文*1・深尾 仁*1


キーワード: 分散型エネルギー,新エネルギー,マイクログリッド,地域冷暖房,省エネルギー,温室効果ガス排出削減

*1 技術センター建築技術研究所環境研究室
*2 (株)タイセイ総合研究所

A Study of Methods for Planning Decentralized Energy Network Systems

Development and Case Study of a Comprehensive Evaluation Program for Decentralized Energy Systems

Hidemitsu KOYANAGI *1, Kunimichi ISHIGURO *2, Masahumi SAITO *1 and Hitoshi HUKAO *1

Recently, new energy and area energy network have been proposed by various municipalities in Japan as ways to preserve fossil fuels and reduce the volume of heat-trapping gas exhaust. The environmental and economic benefits of these new systems, however, have not been verified.
In this study, the authors developed techniques for evaluating the environmental and economic aspects of a regional energy system that uses decentralized energy. The subsequent case study examined a model of a seaside area of Tokyo in order to determine the effect of the reduced volume of heat-trapping gas exhaust resulting from the introduction of the regional energy system that uses decentralized energy.

Keywords: decentralized energy, new energy, micro-grid, district heating and cooling, energy saving, heat-trapping gas exhaust reduction

*1 Environmental Engineering Research Section, Building Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center
*2 Taisei Research Institute, Inc.