

大谷 英夫*1・藤間 功司*2・上野 成三*3


キーワード: インド洋大津波,モルディブ共和国,浸水,護岸,離岸堤

*1 東京支店土木工事作業所

*2 防衛大学校建設環境学科

*3 技術センター土木技術研究所水域・生物環境研究室

Field Survey and Numerical Calculation of the Inundation Disaster in the Maldives due to the Indian Ocean Tsunami

Effects of Seawalls and Detached Breakwaters in Preventing Damage from Tsunami

Hideo OHTANI *1, Koji FUJIMA *2 and Seizo UENO *3

The Indian Ocean tsunami heavily damaged the Maldives, atoll-islands 2,000 km from the epicenter. Male' Island suffered no casualties and very little damage to buildings, but Airport Island suffered extensive seawall damage and the airport was out of operation for 10 hours. The discrepancy between the two islands' scale of catastrophic damage was huge. The robust seawalls on Male' Island are said to have protected the island from the tsunami. However, this claim has not been verified. In this study, the trace height of the tsunami and the actual damage are investigated through a site survey that encompassed the inundated areas on Male' Island, the trace height of the tsunami on Airport Island, testimony from eyewitnesses, and structural failure modes. Furthermore, the behaviors of the tsunami are revealed by means of numerical calculations. Moreover, the mechanism of damage and the effectiveness of the seawalls and detached breakwaters are verified. This study is part of the results of a survey by JSCE Tsunami Survey Team for the Maldives.

Keywords: Indian Ocean Tsunami, Maldives,  inundation,  seawall, detached breakwater

*1 Civil Engineering Project, Tokyo Branch

*2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan

*3 Hydraulic and Bio Engineering Research Section , Civil Engineering Research Institute, Technology Center