今井 博*1・八木下 修満*1
キーワード:  電磁波,トンネル切羽,地質前方探査,破砕帯,反射法
System for Geological Prediction Beyond a Tunnel Face for TBM Excavation by GPR
- Electromagnetic Eye Looking through the Rock -
Hiroshi IMAI *1 and Naomitsu YAGISHITA *1
Ground Penetrating Radar was installed on the cutter face of the TBM for hard rocks to excavate the A Tunnel whose diameter is 12.84 meters. Integration of the geological fore-search system was based on the radar, to detect any ground conditions impeding the construction schedule, for example, fracture zones or aquifer. Data acquisition by the system succeeded from the beginning of TBM excavation, January 2004, and the data were analyzed.
Several reflection planes were determined and the strikes and inclinations of them were fully consistent with the geological observations. Therefore, the practical use of the system was confirmed successfully. In the future, the accumulated EM wave reflection data and their relation to changes in geology will be investigated through comparison with the TBM mechanical data.
keywords:  electro-magnetic wave, tunnel face, geologicalfore-search, fracture zone, reflection method
*1 技術センター建築技術開発部ニューフロンティア技術開発室