大谷 英夫*1・東江 隆夫*2・高尾 誠*3・藤井 直樹*4・大森 政則*4
キーワード:  津波,底面せん断応力,掃流力,地形変化,数値シミュレーション
Bed Shear Stress and Bottom Change due to Tsunami in a Strait
- The Development of the Bed Shear Stress Evaluation Method in a Strait -
Hideo OHTANI *1, Takao TOUE *2, Makoto TAKAO *3, Naoki FUJII *4 and Masanori OHMORI *4
Tsunami causes erosion and accretion in a harbor or a bay, which may result in the collapse of structures and the damage of harbors. It is important to calculate the accurate sea bottom changes by Tsunami. The large pressure gradient transforms the velocity vertical distribution in a strait or a bay mouth where the flow is locally accelerated and decelerated sharply. It is necessary to study the propriety of the method by which the bottom shear stress is estimated by the mean flow formula. Characteristics of the velocity distribution and the bottom friction velocity of tsunami are carefully investigated by experiments in a narrow strait where the Shields number is more than 10. When the velocity distribution becomes uniform in the acceleration phase the bottom friction velocity increases by the large velocity gradient near the bottom. Based on these results, the bottom changes are calculated. The results show good agreements to the observation.
keywords:  Tsunami, bed shear stress, tractive force, bottom change, simulation
*1 技術センター土木技術研究所水域・生物環境研究室
*2 技術センター技術企画部企画室
*3 東京電力(株)
*4 東電設計(株)