
大谷 英夫・小林 峯男・松木田 正義・上野 成三・勝井 秀博・岡田 和夫・友井 宏・丸山 邦男・岡田 美穂・駒井 篤


キーワード: 底泥浄化,水質浄化,浚渫工,覆砂工,諏訪湖

Field experiment of a new type of sand capping method by sand-upwelling system
Field experiment In lake suwa

Hideo Ohtani, Mineo Kobayashi, Masayoshi Matsukida, Seizo Ueno, HIdehiro katsui, Kazuo Okada, Hiroshi Tomoi, Kunio Maruyama, Miho Okada and Atsushi Komai

As a water quality purification measure for areas such as lakes, a sand covering method was developed. This method involves welling up clean sand from below contaminated sludge by using a water jet. The disposal of sludge and the acquirement of pure sand are not necessary. Besides, the ecosystem will hardly be disturbed by this method.
This method was carried out in Lake Suwa and six months after finishing the works, the following results were obtained.
The thickness of the sand covering layer and the aerobic environment were maintained. Also, many Limnodius appeared in the sand covering area.

keywords: sediment quality purification, water quality purification, dredging, sand covering works, lake suwa