
平野 逸雄・須田 健・田端 淳・河原塚 透・宮崎 裕道・近藤 高弘


キーワード: 非破壊検査,トンネル,打音診断,機械化,省人化

Development of diagnostic machine for tunnel lining concrete by the impact acoustics method

Itsuo Hirano, Takeshi Suda, Atsushi Tabata, Toru Kawaharatsuka, Hiromichi Miyazaki and Takahiro Kondo

A system was developed for automatic primary diagnosis of tunnel lining concrete by the impact acoustics method. High mobility and speed were sought by automation.
This equipment was installed at the tip of an arm of an industrial robot carried on a commercial truck. Automatic diagnosis enabled the reduction of workers involved in a demanding job under severe conditions and the storage of test results in a database.
Diagnostic results can be output in the form of a diagnostic map as soon as the diagnosis is finished, and provide data for determining the need of secondary diagnosis.

keywords: non-destructive test, tunnel, diagnostic by the impact acoustics method, mechanization, automation