
城 まゆみ・本間 直樹・下茂 道人・谷 卓也・川上 純


キーワード: トンネル切羽,データベース,観察システム,地山状況,デジタル画像

"Tunnel Face Observation System" to facilitate the diagnosis of the rock conditions.

Mayumi Jo, Naoki Honma, Michito Shimo, Takuya Tani and Jun Kawakami

Tunneling by NATM requires to routinely observe the rock condition since the support effects by the rock around the tunnel itself are counted. In this study, "Tunnel Face Observation System" is developed for the purposes of quick and proper feedback of the observation database to the construction, of improving efficiency of tunnel face observation works with digital cameras and of providing high quality daily reports with the PC-based system. The main features of this system are functions of analyzing the rock condition based on a sensitive appraisal method and of geometrically correcting face picture image with the tunnel face configuration ready for the daily reports.

keywords: tunnel face, database, observation system, ground condition, digital images