
松本 三千緒


キーワード: 情報化施工,ネットワーク,PHS

The information management system of bridge construction
Management of an constructive information network in Ibigawa bridge

Michio Matsumoto

The management and collection of the site information are difficult with a large scale bridge for the dispersion of the production yard and constructive site in the river.
And a high precision control is required so that an execution error such as a cable tension , beam form may influence an installation beam after that as an accumulation error in case of bridge beam installation by the pre-cast segment.
This thesis reports it about the system which does measurement in the high precision and which makes information gathering in a wide area possible by the network technology which PHS was applied to such a subject.
Then , it is introduced about the result that a trial was done in the actual constructive site.

keywords: Computerized execution, Network, PHS