
小林 信明・小原 直・西田 泰夫・白石 俊英*1


キーワード: 交差点,踏切,立体交差,高架,直接基礎,プレキャスト

Development of rapid construction methods for grade separations
- TQB Methods -

Nobuaki Kobayashi, Naoshi Obara, Yasuo Nishida and Toshihide Shiraishi*1

This paper introduces TQB Methods for rapidly constructing grade separations in an urban area, which will provide an effective measure in the urban redevelopment for the settlement of traffic congestion. The construction of a grade separation will complete with these methods in an extraordinary shorter period (8.5months by securing traffics and 1.5 months by blocking the roads) than with conventional construction methods, which have taken about three years. There are three types in TQB methods: Type R of steel frame structures, Type B of concrete block structures and Type K using temporary truss bridge.

keywords: traffic intersection, railroad crossing, grade separation, elevated road, spread foundation, precast concrete
*1 成和コンサルタント(株)